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How To Convert Wii Iso To Ps2 Iso

  1. How To Convert Wii Iso To Ps2 Iso Player
  2. How To Convert Wii Iso To Ps2 Iso Free
  3. Ps2 Emulator For Wii

Wii disc images tended to come with multiple 'partitions' on them. For example, a single disc may have a partition for update information, a partition for the game, and in some cases (I think SSBB) partitions for game demos contained within the game. Nintendo had developers fill any space remaining on the disc after all of these partitions with algorithmicly generated 'garbage data,' just so each disc would be the same size once finalized and mastered.As you have stated, a Wii.iso file (not actually an iso file) is just a 1:1 binary dump of the entire game disc, so it ends up being 4.3GB in size for every game. A.wbfs file, on the other hand, is just the files contained within a single partition on the game disc - usually the aptly named 'GAME' partition. The garbage data, extra game demos, and updates are generally left out, as in many cases they are unneeded.As is always the case with backups and ROMs, the full, 1:1 and uncompressed dump will give you the least issues in all cases. The more compressed.wbfs format is fine outside of a few handfuls of corner cases, however.

If you ever need a full clean 1:1 image (why would you? Archival and historical preservation maybe), there are 2 tools to re-generate the garbage from a wbfs file.

How To Convert Wii Iso To Ps2 Iso Player

(by Osupka), 2. (by nanook)it appears that what we thought was garbage is actually a specific algorythm and can therefore be recreated. It has no purpose except fill the disc entirely.the only problem if you ever want to re-generate a 1:1 image is the update partition, you'll have to provide a dump matching the partition content used on that game. There were a tool in early 2006-2008 (WUM) which was used to extract&replace updates in binary format.but, 1:1 are still wrong if in '.iso' format. A real 1:1 disc image is unreadable, unburnable because it's scrambled. What most users know as '1:1 clean ISO' is actually an unscrambled version of it.except for Smash bros, all other game in wbfs format are full and not missing any data.

How To Convert Wii Iso To Ps2 Iso Free


Ps2 Emulator For Wii

Only the 'garbage' is removed, and generally the update partition too.you can see in WiiBackupManager if your wbfs contains the Update, Game, Other based on the displayed letters (UGO).You have the option to keep/remove them when converting or dumping a disc to wbfs. In USBLoaderGX, the default is 'remove update' (and keep Game+Other).